Sunday, February 21, 2010

IR&D working group minutes Feb 10.doc

Injury, Rehabilitation and Disability Working Group Meeting Summary
February 10, 2010

Location: St. Germain Rehabilitation Hospital
Time: 2:00 – 3:00
Number of participants: 47 (see attached list)

Meeting Topics
1. Introductions
2. National Plan
3. Mapping
4. P&O Recommendations
5. Children with Disabilities
6. Amputee pamphlets
7. Spinal injury cases

1. Introductions
Extensive time was devoted to individuals introducing themselves and, for some, providing information on their program activities. Not all programs provided equal information and detail. For that reason we are asking each group/organization to fill the attached form and send to

2. National Plan
Dr. Jessie Pierre of the Ministry of Health explained that the GoH has the intent to draft the National Plan for Rehabilitation and Disability in order to provide clear information and guidance related to the vision of the Government and the desire to have organizations fit into this vision. A small working group will be formed to undertake this task. A description of selection criteria for this group will be sent through “readaptationhaiti” email. The target date for completion of the draft is March 1.

3. Mapping
It is important that organizations engaged in rehabilitation and disability have a clear idea of who is doing what and where. Once organizations have submitted their program descriptions, it will be easier to develop this mapping activity. Representatives of the working group will meet with UNOCHA to discuss further.

4. P&O Recommendations
There was a review of the 5 main recommendations related to prosthetic services and general rehabilitation services in Haiti. These include:
- Do not send artificial legs to Haiti. Legs are individual to a person and though the component parts may be useful, the socket will not be useful and it is difficult to dispose of this material.
- Rehabilitation outside Haiti is not recommended. There are adequate facilities and services functioning in Haiti and all efforts should be made to utilize these services.
- Capacity building of Haitians should be an integral part of any project. Projects that do not focus on this important aspect are discouraged.
- Geographical placement of services should be considered so that there is coverage throughout the country and avoidance of all services being located in Port au Prince.
- Compatibility of component parts is vital to the repair and utilization of prosthetic limbs. Organizations should consider the impact of high-level components requiring different tools and means for repair and maintenance.

5. Children with Disabilities
There was mention of an iphone application that provides a template for individual information storage. Additionally a phone number was given (Stennard at 3492-0412) to provide information when organizations are faced with unaccompanied minors.

6. Amputee Pamphlets
CMMB has developed pamphlets in Creole for residual limb care. This includes topics such as positioning, bandaging, and basic exercises. CBBM and HAS recognize some areas in the pamphlet needing improvement and welcome additional feedback – ideally by Friday, Feb 12.

7. Spinal Injury Cases
UM/Medishares is supporting individuals with spinal injury. If organizations have people with spinal injuries they can send request to

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 17 at 2pm at St. Germain’s Rehabilitation Hospital, located behind St. Damien’s Hospital near the US Embassy. Email reminder and agenda of the meeting will be sent on February 16.

For a list of participants click here.

Article Source: Haiti Physcal Rehabilitation Programs Forum